Monday, February 11, 2008


The day just went fine. Nothing unusual happened. Well, I guess it wasn't that bad.
Got an email from Younjee and I was so touched by her words. She's more than a student, she's actually a friend. A very good friend.
I feel sad that we can't talk just like before coz she's moving to China (we can't have phone class anymore). But anyway, I'm glad that she'd been part of my journey.
Seems like people have come and go in my life and maybe that's what it is sometimes. Anyway, there are still memories that I'll forever treasure in my heart.
So to Younjee, who's been a good friend to me, I wish her the best of everything. Maybe one day we'll fall out of touch and will never hear from each other again but one thing I'm sure is that I'll never forget her.

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