Thursday, February 21, 2008


Whatta end of the day! Guess my day just ended nicely. Glad I had my patience back today... well at least I wasn't pissed off during my class.
My last class (sub class for Monica actually) was really nice and I had fun talking to Justin. He's so funny and a nice guy I guess. I never really had a student(sub student) before who asked me to call him up again. He even asked me to call him up collect.
Well maybe that would be our first and last conversation and he'll forget about me.
I can call him actually, if I want to...but...nah...
Anyway, Justin is Ana's student before. Told Ana about it and she was happy to hear something about Justin.
By the way, Ana is leaving for Dubai on the 25th of March. I'm happy for her but sad too coz she'll be away and maybe I won't be seeing her for years.
Anyway, who knows, we might bump into each other one day in Maldives.

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