Thursday, July 31, 2008

no turning back

Teacher Rose talked to me today regarding my resignation. She was emotional and she even cried. I was touched. I used to have this "bad feelings" towards her because of what she said about me before but when we talked today I know I have forgiven her whatever she might have thought bad about me.
I made up my mind. There's no turning back. I don't wanna think anymore if it's the right decision or not. I think it's just time to move on. To meet new friends and to meet new challenges.
Five of my of co-workers had their last day in ILDA today, Tin, Jenny, Jo, Abby, and Carol. Gina will be on her 3 months maternity leave.
So sad but it's part of what we call life. Anyway, there will always be memories to keep and to cherish. :-)
Till then...

Kuya Zaldy


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